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Here are a couple of sites I’ve enjoyed recently that you might not have seen: Homemade noize, a growing collection of DIY projects and software plugins, mostly aimed at amateur recording enthusiasts. And Spinmeister’s Extreme Mixer (eMXR) site, which focuses on online collaboration and remixing. From the site: Long held business models for recorded music […]

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[updated 06/06 per poorsod’s comment below] Mike at Garagespin brought my attention this morning to Lightspeed Audio, a company promising real-time internet musical collaboration. Lightspeed claims: “[Our] media collaboration technology platform allows musical enthusiasts to create digital-quality audio over the Internet in real-time.” Their technology, as described (it’s not available yet,) differs from existing offerings […]

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A few weeks ago, I discussed Gert’s experience collaborating online. Peter Wolf offers another perspective on virtual collaboration in his article The Care and Feeding of a Virtual Band. You all know how difficult it is to find the time to get together and rehearse, write, record and produce, but, nevertheless, it usually works out […]

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I’m a member of the band Gert. Until we played together in person this summer, our year-long collaboration was entirely virtual. 6 song writers, a continent apart, connected by musical tastes and the Internet. We’re still a band in the general sense, but in place of schedule conflicts, angry neighbours, and ego clashes, we deal […]

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