Linkin Park’s singles often inspire the question “haven’t they already written this song?” An mp3 that does the rounds from time to time mixes Numb (on the left) and Pushing Me Away (on the right) to illustrate this with almost comical effect: All Linken Park Songs Sound Exactly The Same.
As shown below, and forgive the hyperbole, much more than they sound the same all Linkin Park songs look the same. And while it’s easy to criticize the band for their overuse of a formula that’s by now cliche, the similarity between their tracks at least holds a lesson on the importance of song arrangement in pop music production.
The Linkin Park Formula
The standard Linkin Park structure looks like this:
- Quiet intro: Each song has a relatively quiet two-measure intro.
- The instrumental kicker: The full band come in together on the down-beat, and play two or four high energy measures, usually instrumental.
- Quiet verse: The song eases off for a verse or two, heightening the dynamic contrast between the song’s sections.
- Heavy chorus: Usually the same chords established in the kicker, with Chester screaming over top for added emotion.
Here’s how it “looks” in practice. Each image below shows the audio level in (roughly) the first 90 seconds of a Linkin Park song. Note that I adjusted the tempo of a few tracks for better visual alignment:
If the pattern isn’t clear to you, mouse-over each image to highlight the 4 sections: Intro, kicker, verse, chorus. And click the title to hear the song on Youtube.
There’s nothing particularly surprising or innovative about the structure. But its repeated use by Linkin Park is clearly successful: They’re one of a few acts still selling lots of CDs.
Why It Works
There are several reasons why this song formula works, and whether or not you record pop music, understanding the reasons will make you a better producer:
Dynamic contrast: Our senses are drawn to change (remember why we listen to reference tracks while mixing?) so we find dynamic, evolving sounds more interesting. The up-and-down of a typical Linkin Park song grabs listeners’ attention on an instinctive level.
Memorable hooks: Because it’s often jarring, the kicker at the start of Linkin Park’s songs is memorable, and makes for a great hook. Pop songs hit or miss mainly on the effectiveness of their hooks.
Familiarity: For lovers, it breeds contempt. For pop music artists, familiarity breeds fans. It’s a truism in the traditional music industry that to succeed, a band needs a “sound.” Linkin Park’s re-use of the same basic song structure makes their music instantly recognizable, and lets their listeners feel immediately comfortable with new material.
Again, you may not write or record pop music. You may even despise the stuff. But knowing why a band would choose to re-use a formula like this will help you make better decisions about your own song arrangements (even if only to avoid having your music compared to Linkin Park.)
Cheap Gimmick?
What does this say about Linkin Park’s music?
On one hand, the band and their producers deserve kudos for finding and exploiting a successful formula. They’re in the entertainment business, after all, and appealing to fans is any entertainer’s number one job.
On the other hand, it’s hard not to view the six images above as a statement on the music industry. The major labels decry the actions of listeners who download music from free sources. But this is the alternative they offer: The same song, repackaged six different ways. The vast majority of music listeners who aren’t Linkin Park fans ask the same question I did in the first sentence, “Haven’t they already written this song?” And the obvious follow-up question, “Why would I pay for it more than once?”
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Alright various comments posted here depicting emphasis on if “Linkin Park” is good or not.
The answer is very simple, Who became successful? Who has millions of fans nationwide? Linkin Park all the way
All the idiots who keep saying they suck probably can’t even play an instrument at all.
I ask you can you play like them?
I think your 4 year old “Minds” can’t comprehend.
Also yes their songs do have the same melody , but melody isn’t the only thing that forms a song.
They differentiate in beats, lyrics, and verses between each of their new songs.
It’s Losers like you who come here saying they “Suck” who can’t understand the difference between a good and bad rock band.
Go listen to Elmo That’s something you can love :)
well, at least they can change the names of the songs. it’s a good start.
LP = repetition ad nauseum
Oh, this hurts. You’re calling out lp on this? What about the hundreds of other acts that come out actually made by their labels, using bs just to make money. And I don’t even understand why the hell they make money. LP is original; have you ever even LISTENED to their lyrics? I said LISTENED; not heard. All of the songs mean something different. Their sound changes, album to album, song to song. You can’t even put a name to the genre they’re in! I’ve liked LP since I was 8 years old; its been more than 8 years now, and even as I’ve matured, I’ve simply grown to like their music MORE. Have you listened to a rap track lately? Like Mike Shioda once said, “Just suckin’ up the drugs, guns, and misogyny”.
And to “The Liquid Spoon”, and so many others, I’m sorry, but your grammar wants to make me shoot my face off. Please people! I bet I’m so much younger than you. Poor grammar makes me die inside.
hmmm. I didn’t notice that.
but it’s just their style I guess.
they still sound good, every song is about another thing, different rythnyms…
the lyrics are pretty good, since the’re actually about something,
other rap music makes me sick, cause the only thing showing in their clips are half naked girls….
it’s also good that the’re trying to change it without sounding bad or whatever.
Linkin Park truly is awesome. they have their faults, but at least the’re trying to fix them.
I hope you could understand my english, it’s not my first language.
but ah well, most people here don’t use grammar at all.
I’m sad to say that most of them are also LP fans.
if you’re trying to convince the haters to not hate linkin park,
at least come up with good arguments and proper grammar, maybe they’ll take you seriously then..
but the truth is, beside their formula, the’re still awesome,
nobody can change my mind about that.
Actually its not bad music they make
But it’s made in a smart way
People pick it up every time than why bother changing it
Try looking at some dance tracks and you will notice the same thing
hmm, Linkin Park is not a pop band, they’re nu-metal and you should try doing an article on DragonForce, they’re songs sound very similar to each other more than Linkin park’s
Newsflash! Everything in life follows some type of pattern. This article follows the well-worn pattern of increasing web hits/comments by the following:
1. Pick a topic that is likely to have a rabid group of both fans and haters
2. Write an article complete with catchy title that is likely to get the attention of those same people
3. Sit back and watch your web hit count go up as the two groups hash it out about the article
And for anyone who thought this article wasn’t dissing Linkin Park because it made the statement about kudos to them for finding a pattern that worked, welcome to the land of the backhanded compliment. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing aka a diss dressed up in what to some may look like praise.
Did you compare the song “One Step Closer” with “In Between”
1. It is not the same vocalist.
2. Not the same theme
3. Not the same tone.
Maybe you should look at people’s positives instead of their negatives.
yeah its true but who cares, LP roooooocks anyway! Shut up if ur gonna say bad stuff bout them. its just like everyone does with TH or Nickelback…Just shut up…
oh yeah Regena, u said exactly my words…
linkin park are the best! I don’t care bad things which people say about linkin park. They isult linkin park because they are jealous them for success, and we linkin park’s fans always must kick them to they buts for these bad words like I do!
So many people didn’t read this article before writing a comment…
Linkin Park hold a special place in my heart because of the nostalgic value I get from it when I started listening to them in middle school. I’ve long since moved past Linkin Park and other such music, but I’m still rather fond of them.
This article takes a very neutral stance and the author doesn’t deserve all the flack and false accusations he’s getting for it. It’s valid and an interesting observation about why people like top 40 music.
Des, cool article, thanks.
I think one reason I grew disenchanted with LP (besides the fact that I’ve grown out of most of the things I enjoyed in J-High/High School) is their increasing reliance on this structure. Hybrid Theory is still a decent guilty pleasure of an album, mainly because it was less calculated and free of imagination.
Music isn’t about how it LOOKS like..
It’s about how it SOUNDS like
how sad r u y would u decide to do all this hard work to try n say the all look the same my god ur probly a 40 yo virgin living in his mothers basment n never had a girl friend and jack ass u dont look at music u listen to it LINKIN PARK RULE SO FUCK U
k, understanding this formula will not make you a better producer, it will make you a generic copy cat producer. This is why there is so much crap in music. Everyone is looking for the easy answer and magic formula to making songs. And if your going to copy someone, why not choose beethoven, or mozart. I mean christ, Linkin park? are you kidding me.
also, anyone who thinks this “formula” has anything to do with the sucess of the songs should probably stop doing music. You just don’t get it. Give up now. This is the equivalent to ripping apart shakespear and saying I’VE GOT IT!!! the key to great writing is this: have three words in a row with two letters, then follow that with a word with three letters, and end with two more words with two letters “to be or not to be” The formula for great writing!!!!!. It seems ludicrous ( and it is) but its the same thing people do with music. It just so happens that ignorance in music is accepted ( even encouraged) more so than the other arts.
Surely it’s not surprising that all Linkin Park songs look the same, since they all sound the same. Just like most so-called ‘music’ (and ‘artists’) these days, it’s totally interchangeable. But you’ll never sway their fans, especially with such an obtuse method of comparison, so what’s the point? They’ll figure it out by themselves (eventually) or they won’t.
Say what you want,if it’s the same song damned if a lot of people didn’t buy it reeatedly.Cos Lp sold a hell-of-a-lotta albums.Including me.
Maybe it was their “Hybrid Theory”album,coming out at the same time I went through a divorce.But it seemed like I could relate to most of the songs on the album.Like,With you,One Step Closer,Crawling,By Myself,In The End,Pushing Me Away,Runaway,Paper Cut,Points of Authority.I was like these boys feel my pain,I like them.Then came “Meteora”,and I was feeling everything on that album too .Especially,Numb,Easier To Run,Lying From You,Figure .o9,Breaking The Habit.Faint,and Don’t Stay,Then “Reanimation”came out.It was cool,I used to be a DJ. Some songs remix really well.Then they got with Jay-Z,that was cool too “J” is one of my favorite Rap Artists.I bought a couple of their live albums,I knew the songs still cool.When “The next joint came out I was like,WTF ?
I wasn’t feeling anything on “Minutes To Midnight”.They totally changed up their style of music.Igave them the benifit of a doubt when”Fort Minor”came out and bought it too.Same bulls#it,WTF were they thinking ?
I wasn’t feeling anything on that album either.Linkin Park had a sound,nobody else sounded like them.People liked them,bought their albums they should have left well enough alone.I still listwn to their old joints,but I won’t buy any more of their new stuff.If it ain’t broke,don’t try to fix it.An Ex Lp fan.
You are focusing on what the songs look like.Do you realise how stupid that statement is ? Im’a D.J.,I use 2 Pioneer Pro c.d. players and my lap tpo with a program called Virtual DJ.Part of the display on the lap top is a wave form just like the one in your illustration.The music I play in any set ranges from Hip-Hop,Rock,Alternative,Old School Rap,and some top 40 songs.Pretty much all songs look like the wave form in your illustration.All songs have basically the same structure of intro.,Kicker,chorus,Hook,Chorus,Hook,Break,Chorus,Hook,Outro.And I see it every song I play,because it is displayed for each song on the display.So what is your point ? A lot of songs that aren’t even the same genre of music,different BPM’s,instrumental or vocal have basically the same wave form.So as someone that sees the way songs look every day,I don’t see your point.By the way,if Linkin Park ‘s music Sucks so much.Why would Jay-Z,one of the top Hip-Hop artists of all time do a collaboration album with them? I’m quite sure he wouldn’t risk putting out an album unless the other group was in his opinion good too,and playing on his level.
This is retarded. so the sound clips look the same, whoopdie freakin do. You can take sound clips of most bands and put them into an image and the sound files will LOOK the same. ZOMG they’re songs have the same set up! Well do they sound exactly the same? Well, no BUT LOOK! Okay… aaaand you’re stupid.
OH! and i just listened to the sound clip.. One song is slowed down massive amounts to make it fit. Good freakin job on failing. Musically illiterate people slay me i swear.
Fantastic, calmed analysis of a well known band. Thanks a lot for your effort!
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